Democracy and Capitalism
Teachers Institute
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
July 6-11, 2025
Join us for a week-long exploration of democracy, capitalism, and issues at the nexus of the two.
The Democracy and Capitalism Teachers Institute and the Jack Miller Center's Virginia Founding Civics Initiative will bring 20 high school social studies, civics, and economics educators from across the nation to the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA, to deepen their understanding of the foundations, current state, and future of democracy and capitalism.
Participants will stay on-grounds at the University from July 6-11 and participate in daily programming focused on democracy, capitalism, and pressing issues at the intersection of the two.
The Institute is designed to:
Help teachers define and understand the core elements of free markets and free societies
Explore methods to convey democracy and capitalism in classroom settings
Strengthen teachers' understanding of key primary sources and foundational principles of American government
Equip teachers to understand how "hot button topics" relate to democracy and capitalism

Current high school educators in the following subjects are encouraged to apply:
Social Studies
We know many educators teach multiple subjects, and schools and districts may use different terminology to describe the subjects they cover. If you teach any subject you believe would greatly benefit from an advanced understanding of topics at the nexus of democracy and capitalism, we encourage you to apply!
Additional eligibility requirements include:
Current, active employment in a classroom teaching position
Intent to teach during the following (25/26) school year
Ability to commit to travelling to and staying in Charlottesville, VA, from July 6-11 and participating in daily programming for the duration of the Institute
Format & Details
Participants will apply online through a two-phase application process. Twenty teachers will be selected and invited to participate in the Institute. Participants will be asked to arrive and engage in a Welcome Dinner on Sunday, July 6 and participate in programming from Monday, July 7 through Friday, July 11. Teachers may plan to travel back home on Friday, July 11 after 4:30pm.
Lodging and most meals will be provided. Participants will receive an additional stipend to defray any other costs. Travel expenses up to $500 will be reimbursed for participants after the Institute concludes.
The Teachers Institute will feature instruction and training by UVA faculty and experts on subjects related to democracy and capitalism. Additionally, participants will learn about classroom tools like the case study method and utilize data analysis tools and visualizations like DemCap Analytics. Other opportunities include collaborative sessions with other educators, discussions facilitated by the Jack Miller Center, site visits to University of Virginia and local historic spaces, and continued engagement after the conclusion of the institute as we engage alumni in helping us improve and expand the Institute in future sessions.

The Teachers Institute will provide resources and training on the core elements of democratic and capitalist systems, as well as collaborative time to discuss how best to incorporate these methods and lessons into the secondary classroom setting. Subjects covered may include:
Core definitions of democracy and capitalism
Foundational American principles of government
Democracy and capitalism in history
Democracy and inequality
Gender equity and economic well-being
Addressing issues like climate change and democratic backsliding with students
Resources and methods for teaching about democratic and capitalist systems
Application Process
November 1, 2024 - Phase 1 Application Opens
Designed to take 5-15 minutes
Introduction, contact info, teaching experience, school information
Short answer (100-200 words) about why you are interested in DCTI 2025
December 20, 2024 - Phase 1 Application Closes
Early January - Select applicants will be invited to complete Phase 2
Designed to take 30-45 minutes
Brief video (1-2 minutes) discussing your enthusiasm for what you teach
Two short answer (100-200 words) about your experience(s) teaching related subjects, and how you anticipate sharing your DCTI 2025 experience with your students and community
One work product upload and reflection (100-200 words) about something you are proud of OR something you would like to improve upon
One current or former coworker or supervisor who can serve as a reference
Late January - Phase 2 Application Closes
Early March - Invitations extended to select applicants​
To be kept up to date on future institutes and opportunities with DemCap, please fill out the contact form below.​

Our Motivation
The last decade has seen a rapid decline in public trust in democracy and capitalism. In a 2018 survey, less than half of Americans aged 18-29 view capitalism positively, and only 47% of Democratic-leaning voters did so. Despite this, most Americans struggle to define capitalism or the ideas that comprise it. At the same time, attitudes toward democracy and free institutions continue to degrade. We believe that much of the public distrust of both democracy and capitalism stems from deficient educational opportunities. These are complex subjects that interact in complicated ways. Neither conform to strict rules or easy interpretation, and understanding requires nuanced discussion and exploration. With teachers already stretched thin, incorporating these subjects into curricula for students remains a challenge. And without new, accessible educational opportunities, misconceptions about democracy and capitalism among students will continue to grow. To meet this need, DCTI will equip teachers to meaningfully engage with topics at the nexus of democracy and capitalism.